Monday, June 7, 2010


A scientist generally observes what he has been trained to see, and then too he recognizes only that what he is expected to see. It is not strange that the scientific community perceives the dictums of Astrology as disharmonious jumble, but at the same time, every intelligent human being has an instinctive belief that there must be a harmony in the cosmic design, and some day some body will be able to revel it to us. Each thinking person according to his own might tries to bring that date nearer.

For the last six thousand years, different human civilizations flourishing independently in various parts of our globe utilized the ‘motion’ of the Sun and the Moon as an instrument of the mundane and cosmic time-keeping. They noted carefully the sunsets and sunrises, waning and waxing of the Moon, the length of time between one full moon to another etc, each became one of the units for the measurement of time. The Moon’s revolution round the earth, manifested in the form of observed periodic conjunction of the Moon with definite cluster of stars became another unit of time measurement (sidereal month). The apartment north-south solar motion in the sky (declination) which harbingers change of seasons became yet another unit of time.

By 2000 B.C. , most of the advanced civilizations had already formulated their own calendars, laws of cosmic motion over this ever changing Earth and their attributed influence over mundane affairs. The cosmic laws were perceived as the only everlasting, unfailing and dependable rules. It is the nature of the human being that he always wants to be sure about his intrinsically uncertain fortune and future, therefore fortune-telling always thrived in every civilization, and what could be a better guarantor of certainty than the ‘never changing’ rules of motions of celestial bodies? Any aberration of cosmic laws used to cause intellectual shock and universal anxiety till some apparently rational explanation was not forwarded by somebody and brought in relief. This solar eclipse created mind numbing terror in the hearts of Vedic Aryans, till sage Atri explained it to be a natural phenomenon (Rig Veda. V. 40, Sukta 5 to 9).

As the rules of celestial motion became better understood and comprehensively formulated, the uncertain fortune on the earth got hitched to the certainly of the firmament and this synchronization of the heavenly and mundane happenings generated the ‘science’ of Astrology.

The present work is on an infinitesimally small but potentially vital part of the Herculean venture in correlating worldly affairs with the celestial movements. Our endeavor is to demonstrate, hopefully convincingly, that the Vedic sages, astrologers and their intellectual successors knowingly or unknowingly followed the periodicity of intensity of variation of electromagnetic impulses in the Earth’s atmosphere, caused and controlled by different independent and interdependent electromagnetic cycles originating due to interactions between the solar and inter-planetary energy impulses with the Earth’s magnetic field while formulating the astrological tenets applied in the predictive and elective Astrology.

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